Saturday, August 28, 2010

Home sweet home

We've finally moved in to our cozy little cottage in Wolvercote on the edge of Oxford.  (Complete with recycling opportunities as you will notice from the lovely plastic container strategically placed in the corner of this otherwise picturesque photo.)
We're close to town, but just village enough not to have a house number ... just the name of the cottage and "First Turn" with a post code! How is English is that?
Liam has his own room (Hallelujah!). We can scoot just down the street for fish and chips, stroll along the canal and watch boats go by or supervise cows and sheep grazing in Port Meadow. We can bike to town center in 15 minutes (Er, theoretically. It actually took me 22 --but Nick says I am a slowpoke. I was pulling a bike trailer, a 23 pound child and a week's worth of groceries at the time, so I think slow would be an appropriate adjective for my cycling that day, thank you very much! Anyway, I digress.)
Thanks for praying for us as we searched for the right spot. God was so gracious to provide a home just when we needed one, with fabulous Christian landlords to boot. We are thrilled to embrace the community of Wolvercote and dedicate our home as a place of refuge for weary travelers, a light for searching scholars, a gathering place for people who like to have fun and fertile ground for growing together as a family in the Lord. Or maybe just as a good place to eat lasagna on a weeknight and pray for God's grace.
Ahh. I feel life slow down just as I turn the corner to our street. Please come and visit! Take a right at the "first turn" and follow the church bells pealing. You'll see us peeking out from behind a sturdy English hedge, waving you toward our corner.


  1. It really is precious...and we might take you up on the offer for a visit :) Do you have a proper English garden as well?

  2. Nope, no garden unfortunately ... just a gravel driveway. But our landlords next door have the most magnificent garden complete with a lily pond. So that makes up for any lack of garden on our side :)

  3. I'm so glad that you have a home that feels lie home. I know that "slow down" feeling every time I pull into our driveway and see the front porch.
