Monday, July 26, 2010

8 habits to adopt before college

Here's a post that originated as an encouragement for a few homeschoolers I know who are looking ahead to college. But come to think of it, these are just important elements for success and confidence in life in general (IMHO of course). What's on your list?
Pick up your pencil (or keyboard!)
Write as much as possible.  This really is a key to success in college and future jobs. You have to be an effective communicator no matter what your field.
Get involved in your community
Pursue a variety of extracurricular activities and take advantage of volunteer opportunities. Interact with people of many different ages and walks of life. Grow as you share their stories!
Love to read. Learn to read and research topics you are interested in on your own.
Take initiative
Take initiative. Don't have a great group in your town for a hobby your want to pursue? Start something!  Be the person people count on to make things happen.
Invest in people
Love people and take time to figure out how they work. Be a good friend; actually listen; learn to think of others before yourself. Remember people's names. Invest in helping others grow. Don't use people as a means to an end.
Be humble
Be humble. Remember that your situation is only a result of God's gifts to you and you are a steward of those gifts. Use them wisely. Know that there will always be someone better than you at something, but keep your confidence and be the best you can be. Cheer others on and help them succeed!
Seek mentors
Remember to seek out mentors. Don't just wait for a great mentor relationship to happen: identify people you respect and approach them. You likely learned the skill of conversing with adults and people other than those within a year of your own birthday as a homeschooler. Capitalize on this and seek out people to help you grow. 
Develop friendships with professors and learn from stimulating conversations. Most professors are happy to get to know a student who truly wants to learn and your experience will be ten times better than if you doze through your classes waiting for them to end.
Consider not just what career you want to have but what kind of person you want to be. Make this a time to shape your character.
 Keep your relationship with God central. He's the one who never leaves you or forsakes you and the One you will still be intimate with when all your college memories have faded and your roommates aren't around anymore. Fall in love with him more everyday and be faithful.

This can be an incredible season of your life: enjoy it to the fullest!

1 comment:

  1. Laura Lee I really enjoy your blog. The comment you made about keeping your relationship with God central was wonderful. I'm a 45 year old college grad that has two boys in college as we speak, or as I type, and your advice could not have been more true or uplifting. I blog also with the intent of writing a book, if only to leave a "journal" for all six of my children. I wanted to title the book "Mybabyr0c: A Rough Draft"... that is how I came about your blog... the Rough Draft part. Anyway, my blog can be found at (the "0" in r0c is a zer0)... I really enjoy your words and insight. Just in case you would like to respond my email address is Thanks again for your words of wisdom & encouragement...Psalms 9:1-2
