Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Moments that made me smile

Ahh ... the little things in life that make me smile. Whispers of God's presence and joy in the every day. Here are a few moments from this winter that made my heart full with gratitude for what God has given me--whether it was sunshine in the snow or the fact that Liam suddenly resembled a little alien in the midst of a wardrobe change in a busy day.


  1. The true picture of parenthood... Nick sound asleep and Liam wide awake! :) This made me laugh. Probably because I have been there recently! Love you guys a bunch!


  2. Love you too, Eryn! I know what you mean. We need to teach Liam to make coffee for us I think. I'm pretty sure he was so excited to get into the big bed to cuddle with dad that he wasn't about to waste it by sleeping:)

  3. I love the pictures that you posted. They are a good snipet of what's happening in your world across the pond!
